Abutron Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

What is an AUP?

  1. An AUP is a policy which sets out the rules applicable to the use of our services. Most of these relate to legal requirements, but we also need to ensure that our network and customers are kept safe and secure.

Agreement to this AUP

  1. You agree that you will only use our services in a manner consistent with this AUP and that your failure to do may be grounds for us to suspend or discontinue service provision.

Unacceptable use

  1. Any criminal, illegal or unlawful act.
  2. Any use which intentionally interferes with our ability to provide our services in any respect.
  3. Any use which intentionally interferes with our rights or the rights of any third party.
  4. Any use which is a breach of any other agreement we may have entered into with you or any policy or other terms and conditions which you have agreed to in connection with the use of our services.
  5. The use of the service to send unsolicited direct marketing communications in contravention of applicable law or which would cause us to be in contravention of the ISPA Code of Conduct.

Reporting unacceptable use

  1. Please report any use of our services in contravention of this AUP to abuse@abutron-net.o.za .

Amendments to this Policy

  1. If it is necessary to amend this Policy, we will post a prominent notice or send you an email to ensure that you are kept informed about changes and how they may affect you.

Please send email to info@abutron-net.o.za for any query or matter relating to this Policy.



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